Tourism & Hospitality

Researching Tourism and Hospitality Management


This course is designed to build students’ research skills, focusing on methodologies for addressing management issues within the tourism and hospitality industry. Learners will explore both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, data collection, and data interpretation, culminating in the creation of a research project. Emphasis is placed on evaluating sources, designing effective research strategies, and presenting findings. The course prepares students to conduct research that informs strategic decision-making and contributes to management practices, ensuring they can address real-world challenges with evidence-based solutions.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand challenges to researching management problems in the tourism and hospitality industry.
  • Be able to design data collection processes for researching management issues.
  • Be able to interpret data collected for research purposes.
  • Be able to present complex data in ways that are useful for tourism and hospitality management.

Frequently Asked Questions

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$28.99 $298.00

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A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York.

A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York – was regarded as an East Coast equivalent to Wells Fargo during the 19th century.

Bank of America has 4,265 branches in the country, only about 700 fewer than Chase. It started as a small institution serving immigrants in San Francisco.

With $1.8 trillion in consolidated assets, Bank of America is second on the list. Its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, singlehandedly makes that city one of the biggest financial centers in the country.

This Course Includes
  • Level: 6