Foundation Studies

Foundation Hospitality


This unit provides an introduction to the hospitality industry, focusing on key operational areas such as customer service, marketing, and organisational structure. Learners will explore the scale and diversity of the industry and examine the role of support functions in delivering quality service. By understanding customer care, marketing communication, and the hospitality business environment, students gain insights into the unique challenges and opportunities within hospitality management.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamentals of the hospitality industry.
  • Understand the process and practice of customer care in a hospitality environment.
  • Understand the theoretical concepts and nature of marketing communications.
  • Analyse contemporary issues to support informed discussion and debate.

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A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York.

A pioneer of both the credit card industry and automated teller machines, Citibank – formerly the City Bank of New York – was regarded as an East Coast equivalent to Wells Fargo during the 19th century.

Bank of America has 4,265 branches in the country, only about 700 fewer than Chase. It started as a small institution serving immigrants in San Francisco.

With $1.8 trillion in consolidated assets, Bank of America is second on the list. Its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, singlehandedly makes that city one of the biggest financial centers in the country.

This Course Includes
  • Level: 3